Physics Today


Compact, self-contained pulsed lasers expand capabilities in LIBS applications


Executive Summary

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) analysis is now being adopted as an attractive technique in a wide range of industrial applications: from sorting recycled metals to identifying future mining areas. In this white paper, we introduce a very compact, air-cooled, pulsed laser and show it can be used successfully in conventional LIBS experimental set-ups for identifying metals.


Learning Outcomes:

  • How a laser with 0.5 mJ pulse energy provides strong LIBS signals of metal samples
  • About compact, air-cooled, pulsed lasers for conventional LIBS experimental set-ups


Who Should Read this Whitepaper:

  • Researchers and engineers who are working with LIBS. Especially those who are interested in compact laser systems and compact LIBS systems.


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