Physics Today



Advantages of Sub 50 Femtosecond Pulses in Multiphoton Microscopy


Executive Summary

One of the main advantages of using ultrafast femtosecond fiber lasers is the high peak power that they offer, which is a result of their ultra-short pulse duration. This high peak power makes these lasers ideal for a wide range of applications, including precision micromachining, medical procedures, and especially biomedical imaging and specifically in multiphoton microscopy. Finding the ideal ultra-fast laser source for a multiphoton imaging setup is not trivial. It is a fine balance between peak power, pulse energy and laser wavelength.

In this white paper we discuss important laser parameters and the impact these laser parameters have on the quality of the results and show that sub 50 fs pulse durations provide unprecedented multiphoton conversion efficiencies with intense peak powers. This in turn helps push frontiers in label-free multiphoton applications, especially in Third Harmonic Generation imaging since it enables extended live-cell imaging and time-lapse measurements with a high level of sensitivity.


Learning Outcomes:

  • The advantages of going to sub 50 femtosecond pulse durations
  • What this means for the multiphoton microscopy imaging quality
  • How in THG these high peak powers extend cell viability allow longer exposure times


Who Should Read this Whitepaper:

  • Researchers at the forefront of multiphoton experiments who will gain an understanding for the benefits of exceptional peak powers. These benefits can be applied not only within multiphoton microscopy but to other multiphoton based experiments.


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